A. Web Design

GoodLion Podcast Network

By April 30, 2019February 7th, 2024No Comments

The GoodLion Podcast Network was built from the ground up with a clear goal: to create a centralized platform for about 40 different Christian podcasts. Our team designed and developed a website capable of pulling in RSS feeds from each podcast and organizing them into categories like theology, culture, ministry, leadership, and educational resources. This setup makes it easier for listeners to find and engage with content that interests them.

In addition to hosting podcasts, we integrated a blog platform where writers from around the world could contribute articles and essays, adding another dimension to our content offerings.

This project was driven by a desire to support and serve the Christian community. Through technical development and careful planning, we’ve provided a space where faith-based discussions can thrive and grow.

The podcast network has since been rebranded as CGN Media, but the ministry work of GoodLion lives on through GoodLion ministries.


Aaron Salvato

Author Aaron Salvato

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